Pictures, photos and images of your sale items are displayed as thumbnail images in the gallery display page. Clicking the thumbnail elicits a large popup image display.

Belle Arti

Page Layout
Sales Gallery
Auto Gallery
eBay Sellers
Web Hosting & Design
CMS Enquiries

Image Display

Image upload

- images may be uploaded using a browse box or selected from an ammonet ImageServ directory.
- there is a Clear image button to delete and image from the display
- images are optimised for KB "weight" during upload for all locations - paragraph, paragraph popup, manual gallery, manual gallery popup, sales gallery, sales gallery popup

Image perferences

- images can be aligned left/centre/right and top/middle/bottom
- the default size of the thumbnail images is defined on the Settings page, but can be over-ridden for individual images
- Alt text - keyed into the appropriate text field
- An image can be linked to a URL which is entered into the appropriate text field. There is an Open URL button to test the link.
- Popup image can be enabled. If it is not enabled, the fill sized image is displayed.
- The maximum size of the popup image is defined on the Settings page but this maximum can be over-ridden for individual images.

Bibliophile Bookbase for rare books Here's a non-popup image in a "Superblock" cell (a framed cell), left aligned in the cell, with a link to Bibliophile Bookbase that opens in a new browser window. The Alt text is "Bibliophile Bookbase for rare books". Both this cell and the one to the right are float = "top".
Abbey of S. Antimo
Here's a popup image in a "Superblock" cell (a framed cell), centred in the cell. The Alt text is "Abbey of S. Antimo". The popup dimensions are set to 200 x 200 px, with the larger side (in this case, width) therefore set to 200 px.

Here's a non-Superblock paragraph composed of two cells of width ratio 2:1. This allows text and image positions to be defined, in contrast to the text wrap example above, left. This text is in the larger, left-hand cell and the image is in the smaller, right-hand cell. This text is left aligned while the image is centre aligned. Both are set to float = middle.

Please refer to the gallery pages for other examples of image presentation.

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