Blogs and blogging - their increasingly important contribution to search engine optimisation

The Role of Blogs and Blogging in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

What is modern SEO?
SEO, Links and Traffic
Google+ and SEO
Facebook and SEO Blogging and SEO

Google is increasingly favouring fresh website content, particularly in the form of date-stamped blog posts and comments contributed to GooglePlus pages. Their aim is to reduce the dependence of the Google algorithm on links while increasing dependence on recent content written by verified authors.

"Blog" and "blogging", two of the less fortunate neologisms invented to describe certain internet activities, basically allude to date-stamped content added to "blog" websites in the form of "posts". These posts are discrete, often short, entries restricted often to a narrow topic of current interest, and not infrequently the entire blog is the work of a single author. Posts can be purely informational but often also consist of the author's opinion. Often the website has a simplified, time-ranked structure that allows responses to the posts to be added in the form of "comments". The website is referred to as a "blog" (derived from "web log") and the units of content are the "posts". The author is the "blogger". The expression "engagement" takes in the interaction of visitors to the blog with the blog (or its author) in the form of comments. Incoming links to the blog or to particular posts are also an aspect of engagement. Outgoing links also form a part of engagement.

In relation to search engine optimisation, blogs have recently become much more important than hitherto because of a decision by Google to give time-stamped and author-verified original content much increased attention. In addition, the GooglePlus mediated verification of authorship applies to blogs as much as or more than to traditional websites. A focused blog written by an author recognised by Google as expert in the subject of the blog will rank higher than an anonymous blog consisting of random thoughts.

The aim of maintaining a blog is two-fold.

  • The first aspect is to attract relevant traffic to your blog and to send as much of that traffic as possible to your website. You can also convert traffic into customers on the blog itself, but usually the structure of your business website and you blog will be very different, with the blog devoted to attracting traffic and the website devoted to describing and selling your product or service

  • The second aspect is the pure SEO effect of your blog in promoting your website. Properly anchored links to your website, especially to relevant internal pages, will see your blog enhance the position of your website in the search engine results pages.

A blog that succeeds will be characterised by:

  • original, topical and interesting content. This is important both in terms of attracting human visitors and for SEO. A blog that consists of nothing but copy and paste from other online sources will fail.

  • a high level of engagement. This means interaction with other, related, high-quality websites and blogs together with intelligent and original content additions in the form of comments. An isolated blog, like any isolated website, will fail. However, it is better to inactivate the comments option of your blog than to let it fill with unmoderated idiot comments and spam.

  • regular and fairly frequent addition of fresh content. This, of course, requires ability and work. If you can't fulfil this requirement, either dispense with maintaining a blog or hire a professional blog writer. ammonet InfoTech offers this latter service.

Tuscany Tourism Blogs

These are examples of blogs maintained by ammonet InfoTech for the benefit of our website promotion and hosting customers in the Tuscany tourism sector.

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